4.1 Methods for Computing p-values
The numerical computation of p-values is done by the
Fitter class via the methods
double calc_nested_lrt_pvalue(Model& fullmodel,
Model& constrainedmodel)
double calc_lrt_pvalue(Model& model1, Model& model2,
int argc=0, char** argv=0)
Both methods return the computed p-value. More information
about the last p-value computation can be obtained with the methods
double Fitter::pvalue()
double Fitter::pvalue_error()
bool Fitter::reached_precision_goal()
double Fitter::failed_shot_ratio()
The pvalue method simply returns the result of the last
p-value computation. Since the p-value is calculated by
numerical Monte Carlo integration it has a statistical error, which is
returned by the pvalue_error method. The method
reached_precision_goal returns true if the desired
precision goal (as set by dvegas_precision , see Options for p-value Computations) has been reached in the last p-value
integration and false otherwise. Each evaluation of the
integrand requires two minimisations, and a small fraction of these
minimisations will usually fail. The fraction of “failed shots” in
the last p-value computation is returned by the
failed_shot_ratio method. Note that, if you use parallelised
integration (see Parallel Computation) the counting of failed
shots does not work and the number returned by
failed_shot_ratio is usually too small.
The calc_nested_lrt_pvalue method is used for comparing nested
models, and constrainedmodel must be a constrained version of
fullmodel. If you defined copy constructors and virtual
assignment operators for your model classes (see Writing your own Model Class) you will probably want to construct
constrainedmodel like this:
MyModel constrainedmodel = fullmodel;
The calc_nested_lrt_pvalue method checks if the two models have
the same number of parameters (as returned by
Model::nparameters() ) and if all the parameters fixed in
fullmodel are also fixed in constrainedmodel, but
otherwise it is your responsibility to ensure that the two models are
indeed nested. The calc_nested_lrt_pvalue method the performs a
likelihood ratio test, using the model constrainedmodel with its
current parameters as the null hypothesis. The difference
constrainedmodel.chisquare() - fullmodel.chisquare()
is taken as the \Delta\chi^2 value obtained from the measured
data. So, usually, you will want to fit fullmodel and
constrainedmodel to your data (see Fitting a Model) before
passing them to calc_nested_lrt_pvalue .
The method
double calc_lrt_pvalue(Model& model1, Model& model2,
int argc=0, char** argv=0)
is used for comparing unrelated models. Here, the only limitation is
that both models must provide the same number of observables. It is
your responsibility to ensure that the integer values used to identify
the observables are the same in both models. The order of the first
two arguments is not important in this case: the model with the bigger
chi-square value (as returned by Model::chisquare() ) and its
current parameter values is used as null hypothesis. As before, the
difference of the two chisquare() members is assumed to be the
\Delta\chi^2 value obtained from the measured data. The last
two arguments of calc_lrt_pvalue are for parallelising the
p-value computation. They are discussed in Parallel Computation. If they are omitted, no parallelisation is used.