import myFitter as mf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats import sys import numpy as np import random # Import our example model. from mymodel import MyModel # Set random seed to get reproducable results random.seed(1234) np.random.seed(1234) # `model0` represents the null hypothesis ``p1=1.25``. It is a MyModel object # with the parameter `p1` fixed to 1.25. model0 = MyModel() model0.fix({'p1' : 1.25}) # Create a Fitter object `fitter0` which fits `model0`. fitter0 = mf.Fitter(model0, tries=1) fitter0.sample(2000) # Fit `model0` to the observed data and store the result in `fit0`. fit0 = # `model1` represents the full model. It is a MyModel object where no parameters # are fixed. model1 = MyModel() # Create a Fitter object `fitter1` which fits `model1`. fitter1 = mf.Fitter(model1, tries=1) fitter1.sample(2000) # Fit `model1` to the observed data and store the result in `fit1`. fit1 = # The observed Delta chi-square `dchisq` is the difference of the # minimum chi-square values found in the two fits. dchisq = fit0.minChiSquare - fit1.minChiSquare # Create a Histogram1D object which will hold the distribution of the # Delta chi-square. dchisqhist = mf.Histogram1D(xbins=np.linspace(0.0, 3.0, 21)) # Create a ToySimulator object which generates observables distributed according # to the PDF of `model0` with the parameters set to their maximum likelihood # estimates found in the previous fit (plug-in method). sim = mf.ToySimulator(model0, fit0.bestFitParameters) # Initialise all data values of the histogram to zero. dchisqhist.set(0.0) # Initialise `pvalue` to zero. This variable will hold the p-value. pvalue = 0.0 # Loop over (at most) 2000 toy observables. `obs` is a dict describing the point # in observable space and `weight` is the associated weight. The sum of the # weights of all generated points is guaranteed to be 1. for obs, weight in sim.random(neval=2000): # Fit both models to the generated toy observables. toy_fit0 = toy_fit1 = # Compute the Delta chi-square for the toy observables. dchisq_toy = toy_fit0.minChiSquare - toy_fit1.minChiSquare # Add `weight` to the correct bin of the histogram. KeyError is raised if # `dchisq_toy` is outside the range of the histogram `dchisqhist`. try: dchisqhist[dchisq_toy] += weight except KeyError: pass # Add `weight` to `pvalue` if `dchisq_toy` is larger than the observed # Delta chi-square. if dchisq_toy > dchisq: pvalue += weight # Print the p-value and compare with the asymptotic approximation. asymptotic_pvalue = mf.pvalueFromChisq(dchisq, 1) print 'p-value: {0:f}'.format(pvalue) print 'asymptotic p-value: {0:f}'.format(asymptotic_pvalue) # Convert `dchisqhist` to a density by dividing all data values by the # corresponding bin width. dchisqhist = mf.densityHistogram(dchisqhist) # Plot the histogram. dchisqhist.plot(drawstyle='steps') # Overlay a chi^2 distribution with 1 degree of freedom. plt.plot(dchisqhist.xvals, [stats.chi2.pdf(x, 1) for x in dchisqhist.xvals])