import myFitter as mf import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats import sys import numpy as np import random # Import our example model. from mymodel import MyModel # Set random seed to get reproduceable results random.seed(1234) np.random.seed(1234) # Set up a model object representing the null hypothesis and fit it to the data. model0 = MyModel() model0.fix({'p1' : 1.25}) fitter0 = mf.Fitter(model0, tries=1) fitter0.sample(2000) fit0 = # Set up a model object representing the full model (with p1 free) and fit it to # the data. model1 = MyModel() fitter1 = mf.Fitter(model1, tries=1) fitter1.sample(2000) fit1 = # The observed Delta chi-square `dchisq` is the difference of the # minimum chi-square values found in the two fits. dchisq = fit0.minChiSquare - fit1.minChiSquare # Create a LRTIntegrand object from the two Fitter objects and the observed # Delta chi-square. `lrt` is callable and takes a dict describing a set of toy # observables as argument. It returns an array with two elements. The second # element is the Delta chi-square for the set of toy observables. The first # element is 0 if that value is smaller than `dchisq` and 1 otherwise. # ``nested=True`` indicates that ``fitter0.model`` was obtained from # ``fitter1.model`` by fixing one or more parameters. This extra information # helps to improve the stability of the fits performed by `lrt`. lrt = mf.LRTIntegrand(fitter0, fitter1, dchisq, nested=True) # Create a ToySimulator object which simulates the PDF of `model0` with # parameters set to the maximum likelihood estimates found in the fit (plug-in # method). The `parallel` keyword means that the simulation will be parallelised # with two jobs running on the local machine. sim = mf.ToySimulator(model0, fit0.bestFitParameters, parallel={'njobs' : 2, 'runner' : mf.LocalRunner}) # Compute the p-value with a VEGAS Monte Carlo integration, using 5 iterations # with (at most) 2000 sample points each. `result` will be an array of two # IntegrationResult objects. IntegrationResult objects hold the results from the # individual iterations as well as their weighted average. The first element of # the array holds the result for the p-value. ``drop=1`` means that the first # iteration is excluded from the weighted averages. ``log=sys.stdout`` means that # information will be printed to ``sys.stdout`` after each iteration. result = sim(lrt, nitn=5, neval=2000, drop=1, log=sys.stdout) # Print the value and error of the numerically computed p-value by converting # result[0] first to a GVar object and then to a string. Also print the # asymptotic approximation for the p-value. print print 'p-value: {0:s}'.format(str(mf.GVar(result[0]))) print 'asymptotic p-value: {0:f}'.format(mf.pvalueFromChisq(dchisq, 1))