Profiling the likelihood ======================== If your model has more than two parameters the likelihood function can no longer be visualised in straightforward way. A common technique is to maximise the likelihood function with respect to all but one parameter and display the maximum value as a function of this parameter. Alternatively we can maximise with respect to all but two parameters and display the maximum value as a function of two variables (e.g. in a contour plot). This procedure is called *profiling* the likelihood, and the maximised functions are called (one or two-dimensional) *profile likelihoods*. If you have implemented your model in a :py:class:`~myFitter.Model` class and constructed a :py:class:`~myFitter.Fitter` object which reliably finds the global minimum of the chi-square function the profile likelihood can be computed by a simple iteration. Continuing the :ref:`previous example `, we can profile the likelihood in the parameter ``'p1'`` as follows (see also :download:` `): .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt p1vals = np.linspace(1.0, 1.4, 41) fitresults = [] for p1 in p1vals: fitter.clear() fitter.model.fix({'p1' : p1}) fitter.sample(50) fitresults.append( chisqvals = [r.minChiSquare for r in fitresults] plt.plot(p1vals, chisqvals) .. image:: profile1d.png :width: 300 pt :height: 200 pt The plot shows the chi-square value as a function of `p1` and minimised over the other two parameters (`p2` and `obs1 syst`). The slight asymmetry is due to the non-linear constraint `p1` * `p2` < 1. Note that, in the example above, we have to re-sample the parameter space for each value of `p1`. For difficult optimisation problems we need a large number of sample points to find the global minimum reliably, so this can take a lot of time. However, there is a simple trick which can improve the stability of profile likelihood computations significantly (and thus allow us to reduce the number of sample points). Assume that for `p1` fixed to 1.3 the chi-square becomes minimal at `p2`\ =0.77. Then for `p1` fixed to 1.31 the best-fit value of `p2` will probably still be close to 0.77. Thus, to find the minimal chi-square for a given value of `p1` we should use the best-fit values of the other parameters from *adjacent* `p1` values as starting points for the local optimisation. We should still run a few minimisations from randomly chosen starting points since we also need to keep an eye out for other minima which may develop as `p1` is varied, but if we use the information from adjacent points we can usually afford to be less thorough. The :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` and :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` classes use this trick to compute the profile likelihood on one and two-dimensional grids of points, respectively. One-dimensional profiles ------------------------ Continuing the :ref:`example ` from :doc:`fits`, this is how you use a :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` object to compute the profile likelihood in `p1` (see also :download:` `): .. _profile-example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt profiler = mf.Profiler1D('p1', fitter=fitter) hist = mf.Histogram1D(xvals=np.linspace(1.0, 1.4, 41)) profiler.scan(hist, nsamples=50, tries=3) hist.plot(convert=lambda r: r.minChiSquare) In line 4 we create the :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` object. The first argument identifies the variable in which the profile likelihood is computed. This can be the name of an arbitrary dependent quantity (not just a model parameter). The `fitter` keyword must be set to a properly initialised :py:class:`~myFitter.Fitter` object which will then be used to perform global minimisations. In line 5 we define the grid on which the profile likelihood is computed by constructing a :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram1D` object. :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram1D` and :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram2D` are convenience classes defined in myFitter which let you store and visualise arbitrary data on one and two-dimensional grids, respectively. For each grid point they store a *data value* which can be an arbitrary Python object. Line 6 performs the actual scan over `p1`. For each value of `p1` the global minimisation is done with 50 sample points and 3 local minimisations. The `nsamples` and `tries` keywords can also be given to the constructor of :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D`. For each value of `p1` two additional minimisations are performed which use the best-fit parameters of adjacent `p1` values as starting points. You can disable these additional minimisations by specifying ``useneighbors=False`` in :py:meth:`Profiler1D.scan() ` or the constructor of :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D`. The :py:meth:`Profiler1D.scan() ` method has several side effects. First of all, it sets the data values of the histogram ``hist`` to :py:class:`~myFitter.FitResult` objects which represent the results of the minimisations for the individual grid points. It also uses the ``fitter`` object to re-sample the parameter space for each value of `p1`. Thus, any sample points stored in ``fitter`` before the call to :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.scan` will be lost. If the variable specified in the constructor of :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` is not a model parameter, :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.scan` will also temporarily add a non-linear constraint to ``fitter.model`` which fixes the variable to the desired value. The name which :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.scan` uses for this constraint is ``'__xscan__'``, so you should avoid using this name for one of your own constraints. Before :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.scan` returns it removes the constraint. The :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram1D` and :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram2D` classes both provide methods which allow you to visualise the data with ``matplotlib``. :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram1D` provides the :py:meth:`~myFitter.Histogram1D.plot` method, which essentially mimicks the behaviour of ``matplotlib``\ 's ``plot`` function. Of course :py:meth:`Histogram1D.plot() ` does not require arguments which specify the `x` and `y` values to plot, since it extracts those values from the histogram. However, if the data values stored in the histograms are not floats you have to provide a conversion function via the `convert` keyword which turns the data objects of your histogram into floats. In line 8 we set `convert` to an anonymous (lambda) function which returns the ``minChiSquare`` attribute of its argument. By default, :py:meth:`Histogram1D.plot() ` draws the histogram to the "current" ``matplotlib`` axes object (as returned by ``matplotlib.pyplot.gca()``), but you can specify a different axes object with the `axes` keyword. All other positional and keyword arguments are passed down to ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot()``. For example, to make the step size of your grid of `p1` values visible in the plot, try adding ``drawstyle='steps'`` to the argument list of :py:meth:`Histogram1D.plot() `. In line 9 we show the plot. The ``show`` function is explained in the ``matplotlib`` documentation. A common application of profile likelihood functions is to find (approximate) confidence intervals for a parameter. In the :ref:`asymptotic limit ` the :ref:`p-value ` for the hypothesis that `p1` has a certain value can be computed from the :math:`\Delta\chi^2` value by an :ref:`analytic formula `. The confidence interval of `p1` at a given confidence level `CL` is then given by the region where the p-value is larger than 1-`CL`. Continuing the :ref:`previous example `, you can plot the p-value as follows (see also :download:` `): .. code-block:: python :linenos: globalmin = min(globalmin, hist.min()) hist.plot(convert=lambda r: \ mf.pvalueFromChisq(r.minChiSquare - globalmin.minChiSquare, 1)) sigmas = [mf.pvalueFromZvalue(z) for z in [1,2,3]] plt.ylim((1e-4, 1.0)) plt.yscale('log') plt.xlabel('p1') plt.ylabel('p-value') ax1 = plt.axes() ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylim(ax1.get_ylim()) ax2.set_yscale(ax1.get_yscale()) ax2.set_yticks(sigmas) ax2.set_yticklabels([r'1 sigma', r'2 sigma', r'3 sigma']) ax2.grid(True, axis='y') .. image:: pvalue1d.png :width: 300 pt :height: 200 pt The dashed horizontal lines indicate the p-values corresponding to one, two and three standard deviations (i.e. to Z-values of 1, 2, and 3). The relationship between p-values and Z-values was given :ref:`earlier in this documentation `. The associated confidence levels are (approximately) 68%, 95%, and 99.7%. The borders of the confidence intervals are the intersections of the blue curve with the dashed lines. To compute the :math:`\Delta\chi^2` value we have to subtract the global minimum of the chi-square function from the chi-square values in ``hist``. In principle the the value of ``globalmin`` computed :ref:`earlier ` should be the global minimum of the chi-square function. However, in some cases the global minimisation fails and the profiler finds a point with a smaller chi-square value. The assignment in line 1 guarantees that ``globalmin`` is smaller than all the data values stored in ``hist``. Note that we can use Python's ``min`` function to compare :py:class:`~myFitter.FitResult` objects since myFitter defines a total ordering for this class. The :py:meth:`~myFitter.Histogram1D.min` method of :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram1D` returns the smallest data value stored in the histogram. In line 2 we plot the histogram with a conversion function that computes the p-value from the difference of chi-square values. It uses the myFitter function :py:func:`~myFitter.pvalueFromChisq` which uses the :ref:`asymptotic formula ` to convert delta-chi-square values into p-values. The second argument is the number of degrees of freedom, which is 1 in this case since we are doing a one-dimenional scan. In line 4 we use the function :py:func:`~myFitter.pvalueFromZvalue` to compute the p-values corresponding to one, two and three standard deviations. To convert between p-values, Z-values and (delta) chi-square values myFitter defines the following functions: :py:func:`~myFitter.pvalueFromChisq`, :py:func:`~myFitter.chisqFromPvalue`, :py:func:`~myFitter.zvalueFromPvalue`, :py:func:`~myFitter.pvalueFromZvalue`, :py:func:`~myFitter.zvalueFromChisq`, and :py:func:`~myFitter.chisqFromZvalue`. The remaining code is specific to ``matplotlib`` library and explanations can be found in the documentation of ``matplotlib``. Two-dimensional profiles ------------------------ Two-dimensional profile likelihoods can be computed in an analogous way using the :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` class. Continuing the :ref:`example ` from :doc:`fits`, this is how you can plot the 1, 2, and 3 sigma contours in the `p1`-`p2`-plane (see also :download:` `): .. code-block:: python :linenos: profiler = mf.Profiler2D('p1', 'p2', fitter=fitter) hist2d = mf.Histogram2D(xvals=np.linspace(1.0, 1.4, 31), yvals=np.linspace(0.6, 0.9, 31)) profiler.scan(hist2d, nsamples=5, tries=1, solvercfg={'maxiter' : 30}) globalmin = min(globalmin, hist2d.min()) levels = [mf.chisqFromZvalue(z, 2) for z in [1,2,3]] hist2d.contour(convert=lambda r: r.minChiSquare - globalmin.minChiSquare, levels=levels, linestyles=['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted'], colors=['b', 'b', 'b'], zorder=-1) hist2d.contourf(convert=lambda r: 0 if r.feasible else 1, levels=[0.5, 1.5], colors=['grey']) .. image:: profile2d.png :width: 300 pt :height: 200 pt The blue lines are the 1, 2, and 3 sigma contours. The grey area is excluded by the constraint `p1` * `p2` < 1. The first and second argument of the :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` constructor are the name of the variable on the x and y-axis, respectively. The allowed keyword arguments are identical to :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D`. In line 2 we create a :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram2D` object which holds the two-dimensional grid of points. Line 4 performs the scan over the grid, using 5 sample points and one local minimisation. (Since `p1` and `p2` are fixed when we scan the grid there is only one parameter left, so we get away with very few sample points and only one local minimisation.) As before, it stores the results of the minimisations in the data values of `hist`. Any keyword arguments that :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler2D.scan` doesn't recognise get handed down to :py:meth:` `. Here we use this feature to set the maximum number of iterations to 30. In line 7 we compute the delta-chi-square values associated with the 1, 2, and 3 sigma contours. Note that the number of degrees of freedom passed to :py:func:`~myFitter.chisqFromZvalue` is now 2 since we scan over a two-dimensional parameter space. In line 8 we use the :py:meth:`~myFitter.Histogram2D.contour` method of :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram2D` to plot the contours. It takes the same keyword arguments as ``matplotlib``\ 's ``contour`` function but does not require arguments which specify the grid or function values, since this information is already contained in the :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram2D` object. Analogous to the :py:meth:`Histogram1D.plot() ` method you can use the `convert` keyword to specify a conversion function if the data values of your histogram are not floats (as in this case). The remaining arguments (lines 9 to 12) are explained in the ``matplotlib`` documentation. The :py:meth:`~myFitter.Histogram2D.contourf` method of :py:class:`~myFitter.Histogram2D` takes the same arguments as :py:meth:`~myFitter.Histogram2D.contour` and lets you shade the area between two or more contour lines. In line 13 we use it to colour the area where no feasible solution was found grey. To do this we use a conversion function which is 0 if the solution is feasible and 1 if it is not feasible. Then we colour the area between the contour levels 0.5 and 1.5. .. _parallelisation: Parallelisation --------------- For high resolutions and/or complicated models the computation of the profile likelihood can take a long time. Unfortunately the default method which :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` and :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` use to compute the profile likelihood cannot be parallelised in a straightforward way. Remember that by default both :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` and :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` use the best-fit values from adjacent values of the scan parameters as starting points for minimisations to improve numerical stability. If the scan is parallelised the best-fit parameters of the adjacent point might not yet be available. There are two possible ways to deal with this issue: 1. you don't use the best-fit parameters from adjacent points at all, or 2. you split the histogram into a number of sub-histograms and compute the profile likelihood on each of the sub-histogram in parallel (using information from adjacent points within the same sub-histogram but not from adjacent points in a different sub-histogram). Parallelising the scan with one of these two methods just amounts to adding a few more keywords. To use method 1 simply specify the `parallel` keyword in the constructor of :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` or :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D`, or in their ``scan()`` methods. In the previous example you could change line 1 to .. code-block:: python profiler = mf.Profiler2D('p1', 'p2', fitter=fitter, parallel={'njobs' : 2, 'runner' : mf.LocalRunner, 'workdir' : 'tmpfiles', 'prefix' : 'myscan', 'log' : sys.stdout}) This automatically disables the additional fits with the best-fit parameters from adjacent points as starting points (i.e. it effectively sets `useneighbors` to ``False``). The value of `parallel` is a ``dict`` holding options for the parallelisation. The allowed keys for this ``dict`` are the same as the keyword arguments of the :py:class:`~myFitter.ParallelFunction` constructor. (See :doc:`reference` for details.) The ``'njobs' : 2`` item instructs :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` to run two parallel jobs and ``'runner' : mf.LocalRunner`` means that the jobs will be run on the local machine. If you have access to a SLURM batch system you can use ``'runner' : mf.SlurmRunner`` instead, which will submit the jobs to the batch queue. Alternatively you can write your own "Runner" class by deriving from :py:class:`~myFitter.BasicRunner`. When you parallelise computations in myFitter all communications between processes is done via files. This means that jobs can run on different nodes of your computer cluster, as long as all nodes in the cluster see the same files. Also note that parallelisation in myFitter relies heavily on serialisation via the ``cloud.serialisation.cloudpickle`` module, so your models should support the pickle protocol if you want to use parallelisation. The ``'workdir' : 'tmpfiles'`` item indicates that temporary files for process communication should be put in the directory ``tmpfiles``. The path is considered relative to the current working directory. You can also use absolute paths. If you omit the `workdir` keyword the files will be put in the current working directory. The ``'prefix' : 'myscan'`` item means that ``myscan`` is used as a prefix for temporary files. If the `prefix` keyword is omitted a unique prefix is generated automatically. The ``'log' : sys.stdout`` item means that information about the running jobs is written to ``stdout``. To use method 2 you simply have to add the key ``'blocks'`` in the ``dict`` assigned to `parallel`. For a 1D scan the associated value should be the number of blocks into which you want to split the x-axis. For a 2D scan the value should be a tuple of two integers, the first being the number of blocks for the x-axis and the second the number of blocks for the y-axis. Here is an example which assumes that you have access to a SLURM batch system: .. code-block:: python profiler = mf.Profiler2D('p1', 'p2', fitter=fitter, parallel={'blocks' : (3, 6), 'runner' : mf.SlurmRunner, 'workdir' : 'tmpfiles', 'prefix' : 'myscan', 'log' : sys.stdout}) Note that `blocks` overrides any setting for `njobs` or `batchsize`. An independent job is spawned for each sub-histogram. In the above example, that's ``3*6 = 18``. Also note that `blocks` is not a valid keyword to :py:class:`~myFitter.ParallelFunction` and can only be used together with :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` or :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D`. When using method 2 there is clearly a tradeoff between parallelisation and stability. Large sub-histograms will give you more stable results, but to run many jobs in parallel you need small sub-histograms. You can actually combine methods 1 and 2 to get the best of both worlds. First use method 1 and run minimisations for each grid point independently, using as many `tries` as you need and as many parallel jobs as you can. Then set ``tries=0`` and scan again with method 2. This way only the the fits which actually need the information from adjacent grid points are done with method 2. Here is an example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: profiler = mf.Profiler2D('p1', 'p2', fitter=fitter, nsamples=50, tries=3, solvercfg={'maxiter' : 100}, parallel={'njobs' : 100, 'runner' : mf.SlurmRunner, 'workdir' : 'tmpfiles', 'prefix' : 'myscan', 'log' : sys.stdout}) hist2d = mf.Histogram2D(xvals=np.linspace(1.0, 1.4, 31), yvals=np.linspace(0.6, 0.9, 31)) profiler.scan(hist2d) profiler.scan(hist2d, tries=0, parallel={'blocks' : (3, 3)}) In lines 2 and 3 we set the default values for `nsamples`, `tries` and `solvercfg`. In lines 4 to 8 we configure the parallelisation with 100 parallel jobs sent to the SLURM batch system. We use method 1, since `blocks` is not specified. In line 11 the parallel scan is carried out. In line 12 we run another parallel scan over the same histogram (``hist2d``), using method 2 with ``3*3 = 9`` sub-histograms. The dict assigned to `parallel` is merged with the default ``dict`` given in lines 4 to 8, so our settings for `runner`, `workdir`, `prefix`, and `log` are kept. (But `blocks` supercedes the setting for `njobs`.) Note that the scan in line 12 updates the results of the scan in line 11 but does not replace them. If, for a given grid point, the scan in line 11 finds a better result than the scan in line 12 the first result is kept. Writing your own profiler ------------------------- For difficult optimisation problems the `nsamples` and `tries` options might not be enough and you may need more detailed control over the minimisation procedure for the individual grid points. In this case you can derive your own class from :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` or :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` and override their :py:meth:`` method. This way the base class still takes care of collecting best-fit parameters from adjacent grid points and using them as starting points. You only have to implement the actual fit procedure. The :py:meth:`` method should accept the following keyword arguments: `xval` The value of the variable of the profile likelihood. `start` A list of ``dict``\ s representing starting points for local minimisations. `sample` A boolean value indicating whether a global minimisation should be performed. `nsamples` The number of points to sample. `tries` The number of local minimisations to try. `log` An output stream for log messages or ``None``. It should use the :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.fix` method of :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler1D` or :py:class:`~myFitter.Profiler2D` to fix the variable of the profile likelihood to `xval`. Depending on whether the variable is a model parameter or not, this either means fixing the corresponding model parameter or adjusting the right-hand side of a constraint. The :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.fix` method automatically figures out what needs to be done. The :py:meth:`` method should then always run local minimisations from the starting points supplied in `start`, using the :py:class:`~myFitter.Fitter` object stored in the ``fitter`` attribute of ``self``. If `sample` is ``True`` it should also sample the parameter space with `nsamples` points and run `tries` *additional* local minimisations. If `log` is not ``None`` it should write log messages to `log`. If you call :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.scan` with additional keyword arguments these will get passed on to the :py:meth:`` method, and it is up to you how you use them. A good practice is to pass any unknown keyword arguments on to ````, so that you can configure the local minimisations by giving extra arguments to :py:meth:`~myFitter.Profiler1D.scan`. In the following example we define a profiler which fixes the nuisance parameter ``'obs1 syst'`` to its default value before sampling the parameter space (but releases it again for the local minimisations). .. code-block:: python class MyProfiler1D(mf.Profiler1D): def fit(self, xval=None, start=[], sample=True, nsamples=100, tries=5, log=None, **kwargs): self.fix(xval) if sample: self.fitter.model.fix('obs1 syst') self.fitter.clear() self.fitter.sample(nsamples) self.fitter.model.release('obs1 syst') else: tries = 0 return, start=start, **kwargs) Note that if `sample` is ``False`` you should *only* run minimisations on the starting points supplied explicitely with `start`. This is achieved by setting `tries` to 0.